Friday, September 2, 2011

Book Switch (the new currently)

So i started reading the book that i was talking about above or below this post called "Lock and Key".The beginning wasnt very good and i am an impatient person so i couldnt wait till the exciting part, so i started a new book. This new book is called Before i die! I really dont know what it is about yet, but i know its about someone dying. Once I actually start reading it then i will be able to say what its about, but until then i can only say the title.
 Alright, so this book is quite delightful if i say so myself! It is about this 16 year old girl who does not have much longer to live because she has cancer and so she has things that she wants to do before she dies, but the main (big) one i wont mention cuz its sort of inappropriate so i will just let you figure that out. Anyways, i cant even imagine having cancer espeically at this point in life when you are growing up and getting to do new things, and just be a teenager. If i only had a few weeks to live i would probably go on a road trip or travel somewhere with friends and do things that i would never imagine doing such as cliff diving, or something daring.
Next on her bucket list is to do drugs. At this stage she is just kind of giving up, doing stupid stuff that she normally wouldnt do if she wasnt sick, and doesnt really care about anyone or anything and pretty much just wants to die. Also, she doesnt believe there is a heaven, she wishes she did but she just doesnt. Anyways, she meets this guy named adam and according to her he has dreamy eyes and denies her feelings for him. She tells him that drugs is what she wants to "try" next, so he provides her with mushrooms (a drug, not the vegetable). She takes it and then he takes her on a car ride, with her friend zoey.
Adam, the drug provider, takes tessa on a motorcycle ride even though he does not have a license yet. He promised her they would go, so that is just what they did. He took her to this part of town where there was a hot dog stand, and according to tessa it was where the "ordinary" people lived. After they ate lunch, he brought her to this secluded place on top of a hill that looks out above the town. The view was amazing (i would think) then they smoked as they just sat there and talked for a while.
 The list is moving along and she has accomlished the first 2 things on her list have been accomplished drugs, and sex. The next thing that she wants to do is steal. Now i dont know why she is doing all this bad stuff, but i guess she wants to experiance the bad things teens do without the punishment because she is dying anyways. So, she and her friend zoey to the store and she takes some random items and then on her way out she gets caught. They dont punish her though, because well she pulled the sympathy card. She told the lady that found her about her cancer and she didnt really feel sorry for her, but her dad helped her get out of it.
 Its been a while since ive read, so there is a lot to catch up on! The next 3 things on her list are fame, her mom and dad getting back together, and love! So far, she has accomplished everything! She was interviewed on  a radio show so everyone knows about her disease, and  according to her dad she is famous. It wasn't the exact type of fame she wanted, but it works. Next, her mom has been living with her and her dad, and they have been doing good, so you could say they are back together. Finally, you may think love cannot does not exist at such a young age, but she proves this wrong. She and Adam, her next door neighbor, have been spending a lot of time together, and he even comes over for Christmas. They really "hit it off" and well they realize their love for each other. Their relationship reminds me of a regular high school relationship because they are two teenagers and i think it is both their first real relationship, but its better than an everyday relationship.. He treats her well, and even though she may look bad because of her disease he still loves her for who she is.

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