Friday, October 14, 2011

Quarterly! (first quarter)

To be honest, i havnt exactly kept up with my reading! Reading is just not one of my favorite things to do, and usually i dont have time to read, most people make time to read but I struggle with just getting myself to sit down to even read a book. The challenging part is just being able to sit in one place and read a book, its just really hard for me to do that. If i do read (which isnt often), its at night because i usually fall asleep reading in my bed. The book i am reading right now is really interesting, but i still have a hard time sitting and reading it for a long period of time. The other challenging part for me is that i have to do that book project, but i have to finish the book first and i am only half way done and the sad part is that its really short (that just explains "how much" i read). I wish i liked to read though so i could get a better in this class, because this class isnt hard its just the whole reading thing thats killing me. Instead of reading. id rather watch a movie. I am more of a visual person so if there is a movie of a book i dot read the book i just watch the movie. Plus, movies are way more intriguing to me i just love watching movies! So if the assignment was to watch movies instead of read a certain amount of pages a week i would have an A+ (because i am a pretty good movie watcher)! Anyways, reading is just not my fortay (vocab word), and i just do not particularly like to read! Thats all i have to say! Have a Great day!(:
 PS:  my goal for this next quarter will be to actually try to read the assigned amount of pages!

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