Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Close-reading B-I-N-G-O!

Common weakness #1: Avoid "he says or "he writes." 
 In the excerpt from The Mezzanine  by Nicholson Baker, he writes with an elevated refinement that is both dignified and straight-forward.

Common Weakness #4: Avoid referring to "the reader."
Also, the matter of fact way Baker describes the lobby makes the reader sense that this is somewhere to not be impressed with, its an everyday occurrence.

Common weakness # 7: Dont write in past tense.
The language that used is not over sophisticated, yet it is neither vulgar nor blunt.

Common Weakness # 6: Avoid verbs "use" or "shows."
In the exerpt from Cather in the Rye, J.D. Salinger, utilizes a use of simple, but complex vocabulary.

Favorite Analysis:
In J. D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye, the coarsely low-level formality, barefaced connotation, and caterwauling sound convey the matter-of-fact attitude the character has towards his situation. Salinger describes the parents as "touchy as hell" but also as "nice and all" which suggests that the character cares for his parents but has to give reason for not explaining his childhood. He has no patience for small talk or background information referring to it as that "kind of crap." The skipping of details infers the apathetic regard and reluctance of speaking about the topic and telling people his story in general.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Practice Diction Analysis! (Mezzanine)

In the excpert from the Mezzanine, Nicholson Baker uses an intricate, buisness-like language which helps describe an everyday morning at the office. The connotative figurtive language assists the refined wording by adding descriptive variety throughout the prompt. With the use of his realistic descriptions, the promt was easily visualized. "Towering volumes of marble and glass" is what he saw as the lobby, which creates a clear, yet abstract vision. Writing with a language that is not quite fancy but is elevated, Baker also seems to have connotataion mixed in making his writing clinical, and elaborate.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Style mapping!

Anna Godbersen, the author of The Luxe, uses fancy, yet simplistic language which makes the story understandable. On the first page, she is introducing the life of the main character with descriptions that are simple, yet elegant making it seem more interesting. Leaning towards the denotative side, Anna uses her orante style to pull this story together. Jenny Downham, the author of the story Before I Die, is straightfoward with the way she writes the story by using a blunt, common language that is deep in description, yet easy to understand. Jenny's harsh writing style portrays a depressing, dull mood that makes the story seem realistic. Eliza minot, the author of The Brambles, has a a mature, sophisticated way of writing the story. Right away it starts out with dialogue, which is confusing, but that is probably because I only read the first page. She seems to be more connotative with her descriptions and word choices, but the story itself would more centered because it is not harsh, or musical like, it is just its own category in the middle.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Quarterly! (first quarter)

To be honest, i havnt exactly kept up with my reading! Reading is just not one of my favorite things to do, and usually i dont have time to read, most people make time to read but I struggle with just getting myself to sit down to even read a book. The challenging part is just being able to sit in one place and read a book, its just really hard for me to do that. If i do read (which isnt often), its at night because i usually fall asleep reading in my bed. The book i am reading right now is really interesting, but i still have a hard time sitting and reading it for a long period of time. The other challenging part for me is that i have to do that book project, but i have to finish the book first and i am only half way done and the sad part is that its really short (that just explains "how much" i read). I wish i liked to read though so i could get a better in this class, because this class isnt hard its just the whole reading thing thats killing me. Instead of reading. id rather watch a movie. I am more of a visual person so if there is a movie of a book i dot read the book i just watch the movie. Plus, movies are way more intriguing to me i just love watching movies! So if the assignment was to watch movies instead of read a certain amount of pages a week i would have an A+ (because i am a pretty good movie watcher)! Anyways, reading is just not my fortay (vocab word), and i just do not particularly like to read! Thats all i have to say! Have a Great day!(:
 PS:  my goal for this next quarter will be to actually try to read the assigned amount of pages!