Thursday, August 25, 2011

What I am currently reading!

So, i will just be completly honest reading is not on my top ten favorite things to do, but i am working on it and hopefully all this reading we are required to do will help me appreciate reading more. As of right now i am reading a book called Lock and Key by sarah dessen. I am not that far into it but so far the main character is pretty much a typical teenage girl, confused, and just trying to figure life out. Once i get further into the book it might be easier to tell what i think about it knowing im only on page 10.
I got further into it and im still a little confused on what is going on, but the girl named ruby is sorta of like a rebellious teenager trying to release herself from being under a roof with rules.As of now she lives with her sister and brother in law (sister's husband) in a nice house, which is an upgrade from her apartment that was once called home with her mother. Also,She is going to have to attend a new school which she is not looking forward to at all. Ruby is a great example of a teen in denial of change, meaning simply that she doesnt like the change that she is having to go through.
     Alright, so there has been a book switch. The lock and key book wasnt really intriguing me so i found another book called "Before I Die" and i havnt started reading it yet, but i cant wait until i do!

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